Our Products
Our products are what makes metaversity an immersive experience for the users. Behold the real power of the metaverse. We have 3 main products Meta Cosmos, the virtual reality headset; Pixelens, the AR glasses; and Whiteboard pen.
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Meta Cosmos
Our VR headset has an anti glare matte screen which will maintain a more pleasant experience. An eye tracker is also installed with best quality Fresnel lenses which reduces its weight that is usually more in most of the headsets and these lenses also have good light gathering ability.
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Holographic displays and computer-capable glasses that add extra information, ideally 3D images and information such as animations and videos. The glasses even have transitional lenses which help in Controlling the amount of ambient light in their natural surroundings and also helps users optimize the visual overlays of their smart glasses. Our AR glasses pair the microphone with a micro speaker for audio feedback etc.
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Our pen which is used for virtual whiteboard consists of infrared tip with a hand tracker installed. This will help you to make notes or schematics easily.
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